“I was three feet from striking gold; in arms reach of my dream; eye to eye with the tiger; and boldly going where only the strong survive—when suddenly, one brief statement; one moment of truth; slapped me like a wet rag on a bare ass in the dead of winter!  The only reaction was to let go of everything I was thinking, doing, and holding onto...”

From the projects of Newark, NJ to CEO of her own corporation…The Ex-Black Woman tells her story of resigning from the limiting beliefs of being “BLACK.”

One thought on “Book Premier: MEMOIRS OF AN EX-BLACK WOMAN

  1. my nickol looks like it has 3 faces one face, is turned faceing the oragianl face, j the s looks like a sm a s 3 ??? and it looks like real silve sunken in the hole coin. can someone tell me about this coin. has anyone ever seen or heard of a coin like this one.


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